Discovering the secrets of laundry: The Laundry Museum

Exploring the laundry past

Located in the Old Spa district, the Laundry Museum invites its visitors on a captivating journey through the history of laundry, revealing sometimes surprising methods used from antiquity to the present day. Immerse yourself in this unique experience in the heart of the city of Spa.

Evocative temporary exhibitions

The museum goes beyond evoking laundry techniques but also offers captivating temporary exhibitions on daily life. Explore the working conditions of women and the evolution of laundry methods, from medieval laundry gatherings to the first washing machines of the 19th century, and the first electric machines in action, operated by passionate volunteers.

Evolution of laundry products

The museum provides a fascinating overview of the evolution of soap and laundry products, showing how these elements have followed the progress of society and technologies over the centuries.

An informative and entertaining visit

The museum offers a 1.5-hour guided tour led by enthusiastic guides. It is suitable for all, from the youngest to the oldest. The journey can be quite emotional for the elderly, recalling childhood memories, and a discovery of past practices for the younger ones. Reservations are required, but this activity is perfect for friends, families, and groups.

A history rooted in the neighborhood

Originally created in 1993 by a group of residents of Old Spa, the museum has its roots in the oldest district of the city, where washerwomen set up workshops along a stream, washing the laundry of the wealthy residents of Spa’s hotels.

Evolution and a new beginning

Inaugurated in June 1993 in the Waux-Hall dating back to 1770, the museum thrived and moved to its new home in the Parc de Sept Heures in October 2012. Managed by a team of dedicated volunteers, it continues to showcase hundreds of objects tracing the history of laundry. Come and explore this unique museum, a living testament to daily life through the centuries.